Get a head start shopping this holiday season all while supporting local small businesses. There will be many handmade items, local baked goods and much more.
When: December 7, 2024, 10am-2pm
Tamarack Place (306 N Lincoln St., Lakeview, Michigan 48850)
Side Room at McKenna's Village Restaurant (321 N Lincoln Ave., Lakeview, MI 48850)
Lakeview Community Center (309 S Lincoln Ave., Lakeview, MI 48850)
Vendor setup starts at 8:00 AM the day of the event.
Frequently Ask Questions:
We do NOT allow set up the day before.
Electricity is NOT available.
We do NOT mail applications. They are only available on this page.
2024 Christmas In Lakeview Craft Vendor Application:
These pictures are from the 2019 Craft Show.